The India-Ukraine Connection: What’s Driving Modi’s Visit to Ukraine?


Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi visit to Ukraine on August 23, the trip comes just over a month after Modi's visit to Moscow.
Indian Prime Minister & Vladimir Putin met when PM Modi visit to Russia. (Image Source -Reuters)

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Ukraine on August 23, a move that is expected to raise eyebrows among Ukraine’s Western allies. The trip comes just over a month after Modi’s visit to Moscow, which was met with criticism from Ukraine and its allies.

Modi’s visit is seen as a balancing act for India, which has maintained close ties with Russia despite the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. While India has called for peace, it has refused to directly hold the Kremlin responsible for the war.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy On Pm Modi visits to Russia

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed disappointment at Modi’s visit to Russia, describing it as a “disappointment” and a “devastating blow to peace efforts”. However, India’s Foreign Ministry has stated that New Delhi will not unveil a peace plan in Kyiv, but is ready to support the negotiation of a peace settlement.

Experts say that India’s visit is a chance for the country to urge peace negotiations, but also maintain its ties with Russia. India wants to expand and consolidate its ties with Russia, and is not concerned that the Kyiv visit could jeopardize its relations with Moscow.

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The trip is also seen as an opportunity for India to demonstrate its commitment to maintaining good relations with both Russia and Ukraine, while also engaging in diplomatic efforts to bring peace to the region.

In addition to discussing Russia’s war on Ukraine, Modi is likely to discuss defense and economic cooperation with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as well as the role of India in the eventual rebuilding of post-war Ukraine.

US and Other Western Countries are irritated to India’s visit to Russia

Modi’s visit comes as India is walking a tightrope between the US, Russia, and China. India’s military and economic ties with Russia run deep, and the country is wary of alienating Moscow, which could push Russia closer to China. At the same time, the US and other Western countries are irritated by Modi’s Russia-friendly stance and his meeting with Putin.

The trip is also seen as a way for India to demonstrate its commitment to maintaining good relations with both Russia and Ukraine, while also engaging in diplomatic efforts to bring peace to the region.


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